KJR Collective Catch Ups: Rob Lee - KJR

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The Collective

KJR Collective Catch Ups: Rob Lee

The Collective

A couple of times a month, we like to get to know members of the KJR Collective a little better. Today we catch up with Rob Lee.

Years in the industry: Over 2 years

Started at KJR: In July 2017

Based in: Canberra

Currently working with: the Department of the Environment and Energy and the Department of Defence on multiple projects.

What Rob loves most about his job…

The unique culture at KJR allows Rob Lee to overcome new challenges with each new client and work collaboratively with other members of the Collective –  “I’m working with five or six people right now, they’re all really cool to work with”. While he inevitably gets busy with his work as a test analyst for multiple clients, he’s also able to spend time enjoying the company of his teammates to make his day shine brighter. “Everyone is really interesting to talk to and they all have their own passion projects.”

“I’ve had a lot of good learning opportunities, too”. Rob’s been working in consulting for a little over two years, and the Collective has supported him throughout his time here. Rob’s been able to further develop his cybersecurity skills and knowledge, even earning a certification in cybersecurity “thanks to the commitment of KJR to its employee development”.

How Rob got into this industry…

Rob hasn’t always worked in technology – in fact, before coming to KJR, Rob had a successful career running a café. Deciding it was time for a change, Rob had “always been interested in computing, so I decided that was where I wanted to direct my career path”. Relying on his thirst for knowledge and passion for technology, Rob re-enrolled at RMIT University where he is now studying for a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology.

As for how Rob landed his gig at KJR, he was lucky enough to befriend Andrew Hammond, KJR’s general manager in Canberra, who offered him a job after recognising his passion for technology and new challenges.

What Rob thinks about the future of tech…

“I love reading tech news, whether it’s about gadgets or self-driving cars or space travel”, and these different types of technology are only going to grow more and more prominent as time goes on. As for how it’ll affect Rob’s industry, “I think it will definitely affect the testing space, especially with the incorporation of AI into new and existing practices”. Rob (rightfully so) believes AI is the future and where most of technology is heading. As well as the importance of AI, Rob hopes to further explore cybersecurity. “As the world becomes more connected to the internet, the need for security awareness and protocols just becomes more important”.

He also does other things…

Rob has a passion for music that led him to a Bachelor of Music at the Australian National University. While the passion is still strong, Rob recognises that “being a professional muso can be very difficult” – so he keeps it up on the side of KJR. He’s continued exploring his passion through Los Chavos, a Latin band he is apart of that performs at bars around Canberra, while also playing Jazz on the side. Rob has also been married for five years, “… I hope that’s right!”, and has two children, aged four and two. When he’s not working or jamming out with his band, he’s spending time with his family.

Rob’s final word of advice…

“Keep exploring and learning and doing new things… It’s never too late to try something new.”