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AI & Data Quality Assurance

AI & Data Quality Assurance


AI & Data Quality Assurance

Developments in AI are changing the way we work and live. The speed of innovation in this area is rapid and we’re seeing unprecedented levels of engagement in exploring the potential of AI.

Founded on over 27 years’ experience in quality assurance and verification, we recognise the specific challenges Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning pose to traditional forms of quality assurance. We have harnessed our expertise to develop practical approaches to assuring compliant and successful deployments of AI solutions.


AI Solution Integration & Assurance

“Off-the-shelf” AI solutions need to be tailored to your specific tasks and data context to perform well. KJR is able to support you in the selection, validation, optimisation, integration, and deployment of the right AI solution – ensuring it works reliably with your data, delivers value and complies with any relevant regulatory requirements.

KJR’s AI Solution Integration & Assurance services leverage our Validation Driven Machine Learning methodology to guide the deployment of pre-trained AI models and the development of bespoke AI solutions. VDML addresses the accuracy and reliability challenges associated with ML, autonomous, and decision support systems.


Data Quality & AI Readiness

Leveraging AI to deliver specific value for your organisation critically depends on the quality of your data. Enabling the right access
to the right data, across a wide variety of formats, is an essential step in deploying AI effectively. 

KJR is able to work with your existing data infrastructure to identify critical data governance requirements, implement essential data
quality and risk controls, such as de-identification, and implement essential data integration pipelines.

In our experience, 80% of any AI adoption effort goes toward data management.


AI Governance

A key element in any AI adoption program is to get the right governance processes in place, not just at a policy level, but in terms of practical quality assurance monitoring and control.

Competent AI governance needs the right combination of accountability, technology, tools and processes to manage risk effectively. KJR can help you establish the right processes at each level.

white paper

AI Governance

KJR has extensive expertise in guiding organisations toward responsible governance of AI-enabled systems. Our white paper outlines practical and actionable strategies to ensure ethical, transparent, and accountable AI implementation. We highlight our Validation Driven Machine Learning (VDML) methodology, which helps businesses navigate the complexities of AI governance, driving innovation while maintaining public trust and compliance.

Deploy your AI with Confidence !

We leverage our 27-years of expertise in risk management and quality assurance to direct innovative solutions for data applications into artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies securely and safely.

As the application of AI technology accelerates, good governance of these systems will be essential to building and maintaining trust.

AI Assurance in play ....

KJR Industry Partner SmartAIConnect provides an end-to-end solution for AI model implementation on video security IP cameras. The company developed a Responsible Al Framework that enables comprehensive analysis and documentation of the Machine Learning models deployed on these cameras. 

KJR worked with SmartAIConnect to assure the development of the platform and support
the alignment of the framework to emerging national and global standards for AI
governance. The Framework provides a practical tool for collecting the quality assurance evidence produced by the KJR’s VDML process.  

This framework revolutionises the deployment of Al models at the edge, simplifying the entire process, from deployment to monitoring and distribution of predictions, while ensuring security, audit trails, and governance measures.  

KJR is proud to be part of SmartAIConnect’s journey in developing this industry-leading AI framework.

Experience. Execution. Excellence.


VDML (Validation Driven Machine Learning) is a methodology developed by KJR to guide customers in their development of robust and reliable Machine Learning models to deliver AI solutions.

Managing risk, governance, compliance, accuracy and performance through KJR’s VDML can help your organisation deploy AI with confidence.

- Case Studies

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