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+1 -800-456-478-23

Mining, Construction & Maritime Ports

Leveraging 27 years in software quality assurance and risk management we
offer leading IT consulting services to assure digital success.

Technology is revolutionising the Mining, Construction and Maritime Ports industries by driving advancements that enhance efficiency, safety, sustainability, and profitability.

As these industries continue to embrace technological innovations, they will achieve greater operational excellence and competitive advantage in the market. Here’s a closer look at how each industry is being transformed……

Mining Industry

    • Automation and Robotics – Autonomous trucks, drills, and trains will increase efficiency and reduce human labour in hazardous conditions.
    • Advanced Data Analytics and AI – Predicting equipment failures before they occur, minimising downtime and maintenance costs.
    • Enhanced Safety – Continuous monitoring of worker health and safety through wearable devices and IoT sensors.
    • Exploration and Mapping – Use of drones, satellite imagery, and geospatial analytics for more accurate and efficient exploration.

Construction Industry

    • Building Information Modelling (BIM) – Providing comprehensive project views, facilitating better planning and execution.
    • Digital Twins – Real-time virtual models of physical structures to monitor performance and maintenance needs.
    • Construction Robots – Used for tasks such as bricklaying, concrete pouring, and demolition to increase speed and precision.
    • IoT and Sensors – Real-time monitoring of construction sites for improved decision-making and efficiency.

Maritime Ports Industry

    • Smart Port Systems – Integration of IoT and AI for real-time monitoring and management of port activities.
    • Enhanced Logistics – Using likes of Blockchain Technology to provide secure and transparent tracking of cargo, reducing fraud and improving efficiency.
    • Green Port Initiatives – Implementing renewable energy sources and sustainable practices to reduce emissions and environmental impact.
    • Drones and Surveillance – Used for aerial surveillance, security monitoring, infrastructure inspections, piloting and navigation assistance.

By embracing these technological innovations, these industries can overcome current challenges, optimise operations, and achieve greater levels of productivity and environmental stewardship.

Drone Technologies

KJR has specialist expertise in system and data integration, as well as AI and analytics.

In collaboration with key partners, KJR leverages drone technologies to capture and analyse essential data on wide-ranging projects for customers across industry:

      • Construction asset management
      • Mine site management and inspections
      • Port management asset inspections
      • Environmental Impact Assessments

As part of our work in the environmental space, we developed a solution to detect feral animals using Drones & Artificial Intelligence. Discover more here.

Data Expertise

Precise Data Collection

KJR’s drone technologies offer automated mission planning processes that generate precise waypoint missions. These missions define the specific route the drone will follow during its flight, ensuring optimal video capture while maintaining safe operating parameters. The drone’s flight path, heading, gimbal angle, zoom level, and distance to the façade are all taken into account, resulting in high-quality video footage of the desired area. This precise data collection capability is highly valuable in the successful delivery of required projects.

Remote Monitoring

Ports & Waterways Remote Monitoring Support

KJR leads a team of specialist partners in the utilisation of drones to support port operations, security, monitoring and management. Technical service provision includes-

    • Remote Data & Drone Integration
    • Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR)
    • Drone Platform Integration
    • Data and AI processing
    • Remote operations solutions

Monitoring applications of these drone services are varied –

    • Port Security – on-demand services integrated with operations centre and streaming to security personnel
    • Infrastructure Inspections – scheduled and on-demand services integrated with vessel telemetry and security sensors
    • Piloting and Navigation Assistance – provide increased proximity visibility
    • Environmental Monitoring – Monitoring of port and waterway health utilising AI and data analytics
    • Surveying & Mapping – stockpile analysis, container tracking, counting
    • Port Safety – OHS Monitoring, safe work areas

Drone technologies offer numerous advantages – from enhancing safety and efficiency to providing accurate data for decision-making. By integrating drones into operations, companies can improve productivity, reduce costs, and ensure a safer working environment.

How may we assist you ?

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