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We’re slinging open the door for Open Studios


As part of Brisbane’s new technology festival, Something Digital, KJR is opening its doors and our consultants are clearing their calendars for two special events.

Both events are happening on 2nd November and are free-of-charge. Bookings can be made via the links after the description.

What’s your digital maturity?

Find out at a 90-minute, one-on-one session with one of our expert consultants.

KJR have developed a value-centric Digital Maturity assessment tool in collaboration with QUT’s Chair in Digital Economy. You’re invited to attend a no-obligation, 90-minute one-on-one session going through the assessment, guided by one of KJR’s expert consultants. You’ll leave armed with invaluable insight on your organisation’s digital maturity stage, as well as advice on areas where you can improve.

Additionally, you will receive a complimentary copy of the Australian Digital Maturity Benchmark report when it is published in early 2019. The Benchmark will collate data from Digital Maturity assessment sessions around the country and provide all participants with broader insights into not just their own digital maturity but also the wider digital business ecosystem in Australia.

Should women trust AI?

KJR has invited key contributors from the Young Women Leaders in AI program to join our panel and expand upon the deeper issues surrounding women and AI. Featuring Kelvin Ross, founder of IntelliHQ, Karolyn Gainfort, Principal Consultant at KJR and and two ‘young women leaders in AI’, soon to be announced, the panel will speak from the experience of an employer, and from the perspectives of an industry veteran and those just entering.

Over a light breakfast, we’ll immerse ourselves in conversation topics around AI and gender bias; why and where it exists; when might it actually result in the reverse bias. We’ll talk to and about women in the AI workplace; is it really a hostile environment; is impostor syndrome real, and why does it exist? We’ll also share with our guests the key themes from the recent Young Women in AI workshop and how we plan to address these going forward.

Regardless of your gender, career stage and even career path; if you’re curious about the future of work and the world we invite you to join us for this important conversation. We’ve got some very smart people in the room, so book now to avoid disappointment.

We hope you can make it along…