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3 Ways Quality Assurance Is Improved By Agile Processes


Software quality assurance is more efficient and delivers better results with Agile methodology than traditional methods. Agile breaks down project requirements into smaller interactive tasks that are constantly submitted and feedback is undertaken. In quality assurance Agile developers can give quick and continuous feedback which reveals any gaps in the development, anticipates problems and allows to write and perform test cases.

Agile Compared To Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall methodology has a more structured planned linear approach where the project flows progressively down the steps. This methodology works well as it’s completed as a single project. On the other hand, it is less responsive to change, test plans are rarely discussed and it requires a large team with low team coordination.

Agile Methodology

With Agile methodology software testing is done alongside the development phase. Therefore, it integrates positive change in response to the tests. This means the project requires customer iteration throughout the whole process and less funding. Details can be adapted at any stage and establish a more collaborative approach.

Agile projects are 28% more efficient than standard processes.

How It Improves Software Quality Assurance

1. Reduces project delivery risk

An Agile methodology focuses on implementing software quality assurance in every step of a project. Agile leads to constant and continuous testing and reviews which identify quality assurance risks decreasing the likelihood of error occurrence. It also increases stakeholder visibility, decreasing the risk from the final submission. It ensures that the final product is correct and what the customer envisioned. Quality Assurance engineers can automate testing processes to improve test management. Software automation testing reduces the time it takes and efficiency.

One way this is done is through backlog estimation. At this stage Quality assurance engineers meet to raise concerns and raise risks that wouldn’t be debated otherwise during the design process. This decreases the chance of design gaps or defects and gives more insight to the final process.

2. Emphasis On Customer Satisfaction

Agile quality assurance seeks early and continuous delivery of project products and working software to the customer, prioritising their satisfaction. This involves customer feedback and customer involvement throughout the process leading to a final product with higher quality that mirrors the customers’ vision. This allows better data assurance and better customer experience which is crucial in the increasingly competitive market. 

Agile data assurance also increases the speed that products are delivered to the customer, allowing for the prioritisation of customers and stakeholders key qualities that engage the customer and build longer lasting relationships. It further adapts to their changing needs in software quality.

3. Technical Excellence

Undertaking quality assurance in an agile way, incites for technical excellence through increased testing. It increases the attention given to good and effective design which subsequently also leads to less waste. 

It also encourages more individual team’s successes rather than an overall company success. 50 percent of team members are more motivated by their own successes rather than the company’s. Increasing team member motivation leads to high quality of work and better business performance, therefore improving data quality assurance.

Data quality assurance is improved through agile methodologies as it prioritises and encourages increased testing and better test management. KJR is a technology-focused strategic advisory firm, guiding and delivering intelligent, technology-based solutions that work, every time. Contact KJR For Software Testing, IT Solutions, Tech Solutions, Digital Consulting