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KJR in Top 20 AI Companies in Australia


Written by Cameron England and David Swan, you can read the full article in The Australian here. 

KJR’s path to AI Leadership

Starting from a small garage on the Gold Coast in 1997, KJR has consistently demonstrated the ability to anticipate emerging trends in the tech and innovation space. This recognition underscores KJR’s outstanding contribution to the AI landscape.


Implementing Responsible AI

In the fast-paced realm of the digital landscape, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has ushered in transformative changes, delivering remarkable advancements and enhanced operational efficiency. However, within this technological revolution, a pressing need arises for the responsible and secure implementation of AI, ensuring the protection of data, privacy, and ethical standards. 

KJR has always understood the importance of managing IT risk

Founded on over 26 years’ experience in quality assurance and verification, KJR has always understood the importance of managing IT risk, especially with the steady maturation of emerging technologies. Acknowledging the immense potential of AI and ML, we’ve pioneered pragmatic approaches that assure compliant and successful deployments of AIML solutions.  

Common to both artificial intelligence and machine learning is the analysis of vast amounts of data. Our expertise lies in managing this vast resource, enabling the creation of more comprehensive and valuable insights.  


Deploy your AI with Confidence

As AI applications grow in capability and accessibility, various governance standards and frameworks are emerging across different jurisdictions. Key governance elements identified from these frameworks include privacy and security, AI system bias, risk evaluation, trust worthiness, data quality, and community benefits, to name a few!  

All organisations deploying AI solutions will soon be in need of practical mechanisms for governing the AI solutions in use and demonstrating the compliance of their solutions with relevant standards and legislation. 

For broader AI risk, governance and compliance processes, KJR’s Validation Driven Machine Learning methodology (VDML) guides organisations in the selection of effective risk assessment, quality assurance and governance mechanisms for a specific operational setting.

Developed by KJR, VDML delivers solutions which can be integrated and governed within a real-world context.

VDML is used to structure how to de-risk and understand models. It provides customers the confidence to develop robust and reliable Machine Learning models to deliver AI solutions they can trust. Key to validating and optimising model performance is the selection of training and testing data sets which are close to real world usage, and detailed error analysis which can uncovers underlying faults and limitations.  

Managing risk, governance, compliance, accuracy and performance through KJR’s Validation Driven Machine Learning can help your organisation deploy AI with confidence. To find out more, go to vdml.ai 


Data Quality and AI Assurance

KJR’s extensive service portfolio encompasses a wide spectrum, from ensuring data quality to AI-ML assurance, including data augmentation, secure data labeling, and addressing aspects of explainability, bias, ethics, and compliance. 

With our extensive experience and expertise, KJR remains committed to the responsible and trusted implementation of AI, shaping a digital future that is secure and reliable for all.  

To discover the full extent of KJR’s capabilities and the impactful work we’ve done for organisations, visit us here.