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The Collective
The Collective - noun: a group of people with shared values and goals.

The KJR Collective

Our talented technologists are the heart and soul of KJR. Joining our team means becoming part of a collective that values innovation, fosters creativity, and empowers you to reach new heights in your career. 

Our purpose is to share our knowledge to realise the most trusted and impactful benefit from applying software technology.

The KJR Collective is our difference
It's Our Way of Operating
Our Way of Working
The KJR Collective is a flat structure
It values everyone's contribution
And encourages individual growth
The KJR Collective is an open book
It encourages alternative ideas
It expects honesty
The KJR Collective is a family
It's spread far and wide
But connected by it's values

Featured Collective Members

Steve Butler

Principal Consultant

Rob Lee


Needha Aleyas

Senior Consulant

Dhanraj Jayendra


Steve Casa

Principal Consultant

Archana Menon

Senior Consultant

Tim Moloney


We regularly catch up with the Collective over on our News page. Get to know the who, why and how of being a part of KJR.

Want to join the KJR Collective?

Steve Butler

– Principal Consultant

Steve isn’t only a Principal Consultant – he’s KJR’s Employee #1! With a PhD wrapped up at University of Queensland in the late 90s, he was approached to join software testing upstart, K.J. Ross & Associates by its founder, a young Kelvin J Ross. Steve has stood the test of time with the KJR Collective in Brisbane for over 22 years because he revels in optimising services and processes – that means moving with the times and technology, staying relevant and maintaining curiosity. While at KJR, Steve has worked with the full gamut of clients, from Airbus to Microsoft and Brisbane City Council to Siemens.


Steve’s knowledge of computers seems to have been passed down to his young children, who have already learned to bypass parental controls on the iPad. Not to worry though, we’re sure Steve will work his magic in a cure for that as well.

Rob Lee

– Consultant

“I love reading tech news, whether it’s about gadgets or self-driving cars or space travel”, and these different types of technology are only going to grow more and more prominent as time goes on. As for how it’ll affect Rob’s industry, “I think it will definitely affect the testing space, especially with the incorporation of AI into new and existing practices”. Rob (rightfully so) believes AI is the future and where most of technology is heading. As well as the importance of AI, Rob hopes to further explore cybersecurity. “As the world becomes more connected to the internet, the need for security awareness and protocols just becomes more important”.

Needha Aleyas

– Senior Consultant

“Technology has impacted every single field”, and Needha knows it’s only going to continue growing. She considers her current work with Queensland Ambulance Service to be a clear example of positive impact of technology on the community. Using new software and utilising the ever growing relevance of data, she is helping to deliver a quality solution that uses data to improve ambulance coverage and response times, allowing patients to have faster access to emergency care.”

Dhanraj Jayendra

– Consultant

DJ began his internship with KJR in May 2021 seizing every opportunity that has come his way to nurture a promising career as an IT consultant. One of the first projects DJ assisted was a major testing project for a valued KJR client which offered him a strong foundation of knowledge and experience. He has since taken these skills and applied them to his subsequent engagements which include BAU, automation, performance and UAT testing projects for several major retail and government clients. 


Despite having prior experience in testing, consultancy was new for DJ. His drive to grow and succeed has resulted in great development of his soft skills that have equally been acknowledged from internal and external stakeholders. Optimally positioning him to become a well-rounded IT professional and tech consultant. 


He has shown great initiative within the Collective and isn’t afraid to ask for mentorship from VIC GM Anil Kumar, Senior Consultant Xian Wang and the wider team. Which has contributed to his journey of growth with KJR. 

DJ is focused on developing his technical and communication skills through exposing himself to different projects and sectors. With his determination and dedication to his work here at KJR, the sky is the limit! 

What projects have you worked on so far?

In the last six months I have been a part of several big test automation, performance testing, BAU and bounty projects for major clients 

What skills have you developed?

Technically I have expanded my skills by working on web development, UAT testing, Performance testing, C# coding and automation. .

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

The major clients and diversity of projects which KJR holds is my favourite part. When we look for jobs we always look to grow ourselves technically, but along with technical skills you will grow yourself with KJR. A keen to learn and grow as a team mind-set is what KJR operates under which is the best and is why I like being a part of KJR. 

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

I am growing myself technically by working with major clients and covering different work sectors. I am pretty confident with the skills and culture with which I am shaping my career. I am getting exposure to and facing all sort of challenges and pushing myself out of my comfort zone which will surely help in reaching greater heights in my career. 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

If you are looking for technical skills and projects which gives you career growth and highlight you in the market then I believe KJR is the best place to experience those desirables. 

Steve Casa

-Principal Consultant

Steve is an experienced test manager with a laser sharp strategic focus. Couple that with his attention to stakeholder needs and you have yourself a sought-after, savvy leader of projects and people. Members of the KJR Collective come from all walks of life. Although Steve earned a Bachelor of Arts at Monash University, his career took him in the tech direction, where his early experiences as a test analyst paved the way for his role here at KJR, where he has been firmly placed since 2010. Today, Steve continues to provide his talents to Australian Government Departments to ensure they don’t miss a beat on important digital programs for our citizens, creating efficiencies within teams to deliver successful technological solutions.

Archana Menon

-Senior Consultant

“What I love about working in tech is the opportunity to try new methods and processes to bring in overall improvements to the SDLC world” this carries from Archana and inspires the teams around her to adopt agile approaches while encouraging them to think further when solving the trickiest of tech challenges on client site. Archana radiates a sense of trust that reassures both client and the collective and has championed the KJR values from day one helping to “contribute, support and guide the team so that one day she can enhance and expand the KJR Family through motivating others, resolving issues through friendly catch ups”. “I like to engage with our collective members through sharing my own experiences and by letting them share theirs. Its a mutual relationship which can help us to all succeed and achieve the ultimate goal of delivering quality work”

Tim Moloney


Tim joined KJR as a graduate in 2022 and has hit the ground running on various projects boasting technological innovation and community opportunity. He has pushed past the boundaries of purely technical and has shown keen interest in learning about IT and business processes which has helped him understand wider strategy and matured his consultancy skills exponentially. 


Helping to lead a handful of groundbreaking technological projects, not only in what they are achieving through artificial intelligence and machine learning but for the benefit of various communities across Queensland, Tim is expanding his skills in computer science to solve real-world community challenges for Indigenous peoples. He is currently mentoring year 11 and 12 students on the Gold Coast in data science and management as part of KJR’s Indigenous traineeship as well as capturing rock art data in far north Queensland to help West Yalanji peoples preserve their culture using aiml powered applications. This has allowed Tim to expand his technical skillset while also developing his knowledge across business charters such as Corporate Social Responsibility. 


Tim has worked closely with KJR Founder Dr Kelvin Ross and CTO Dr Mark Pedersen on these projects and has learnt skills in resource management, partner liaising and computer science under their guidance. Above all Tim’s work at KJR has opened his eyes to the real impact technology, and the people behind it, can have on the world in a positive way.  


He has shown great initiative within the Collective and has proven himself a valued member of the KJR team. He is very steadily maturing into a competent IT consultant who will undoubtedly achieve great feats- and we can’t wait to celebrate his wins alongside him. 


What projects have you worked on so far?

So far, I have been working mainly on an innovation project focused around using AI and Machine learning on geospatial information data and drone footage. The goal of the project is to locate and capture previously lost Aboriginal rock art sites in Far North Queensland.


What skills have you developed?

During my studies I focused on information systems and design, so most of the things I have been learning are more computer science focused. This has been an interesting challenge for me but its always good to diversify skills. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with and pilot drones a fair bit, which is very exciting.


What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

The project I’m working on is not only exciting but also groundbreaking in what it is trying to achieve. My favourite thing about working for KJR is being able to have an impact on that project and being part of the team that is going to ensure its successful completion.


How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

In the future I see KJR continuing to provide lots of exciting opportunities for growth and development of my skills.


What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

We do lots of engagements with different university tech societies, so you should come to those, talk to us so we can find out who you are! Even if you can’t make it to those keep an eye on LinkedIn for job opportunities and apply. KJR has lots of benefits that other graduate opportunities don’t have

Kieran Murphy

– Consultant

Upon graduating from his Bachelor in Information Technology at Griffith University in 2021 Kieran commenced his journey with our Queensland Collective as a junior consultant. From day one he has jumped at every opportunity to develop his technical aptitude; his focus and resolve helping to expand his skillset to encompass code deployment & code building within AWS as well as unit testing. 


Prior to starting with KJR Kieran completed his Work Integrated Learning program at our sister company Datarwe in which he assembled an impressive foundation of technical experience and skill as a data intern. He has leveraged this experience to inform a smooth transition into consultancy and is fast flourishing into a well-rounded and confident consultant. 


Ever-excited to keep learning and growing Kieran has jumped on a number of different projects for several client groups. He has worked on project management systems, API testing and software testing for ECG machines. These experiences have offered him an opportunity to understand the project lifecycle and different modes of communication for efficient liaising with important stakeholders.


Kieran has shown great engagement within the Collective- his contagious smile is enough to light up the office on a cloudy day (which is admittedly not so frequent in Brisbane) and has worked closely with QLD GM Graham Cummins, KJR Founder Kelvin Ross and the wider team to mature his skills exponentially in a short amount of time. 

Kieran hopes to continue developing his skills, so that he can jump on and assist with a number of fulfilling and innovating projects KJR is currently completing for clients across Australia. 

What projects have you worked on so far?

I have worked on a project management system for managing security access, API testing, and testing software for ECG machines 

What skills have you developed?

I have developed many skills around unit testing, but also the deployment and building of code within Amazon web services 

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

My favourite part of working for KJR is the people, on my first day at the Brisbane office I got to meet so many cool people from both the Queensland and Victoria collectives. 

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

I hope that I can develop my skills further and work on some fulfilling projects 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

I would highly recommend doing an internship/grad role with KJR or Datarwe, there is so much knowledge to gain and so many wonderful senior people to guide you as you embark on a career in tech. 

Ji Yu

– Consultant

Ji joined KJR as an intern in 2021 and has demonstrated sheer determination in her journey to becoming a well-rounded IT professional. Since joining, Ji has assembled an impressive arsenal of technical skills and flourished into a maturing IT professional with experience across a number of service areas.


With a background in UI and UX development for web applications Ji has brought individual experience to the KJR collective. Her skills have been of great value to the projects she’s worked on including KJR inhabited AI-ML health and safety project, FatigueM8. Ji has worked closely with ACT/NSW GM Andrew Hammond and Senior Consultants to support the design of a smart steering wheel that tracks fatigue in truck drivers. 


Always up for a challenge, Ji continues to practice her skills on diversified work which has given her a deeper understanding on relevant application. In addition to the technical, she has also expanded her time management capabilities from working on multiple projects. 


Ji has come a long way and is well positioned to mature into a confident, capable consultant. Her current goal is to keep learning and gain more experience with cloud computing, front end development and machine learning.

What projects have you worked on so far?

’ve been working on a project called FatigueM8. It is an exciting project that utilises AI-ML technologies to monitor the health and fatigue of truck drivers to ensure safety on the roads. I oversee the development of the solutions website and support the senior consultants on back-end management.

What skills have you developed?

I have developed skills in AWS Cloud, JavaScript, React.js and am currently working on developing my skills in Python. I recently became AWS Cloud Practitioner certified, which is a proud achievement. During my time at KJR I have up-skilled in VDML; I really appreciate the companies help when providing us with training courses such as these. I have also developed better time management skills from working between multiple projects.

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

I really appreciate the culture of KJR. Everyone is willing to help, share knowledge, and they respect each other. Our manager is always caring about each individual as well as the collective.

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

I strongly recommend to apply even if you think that you may not be a good fit. Since KJR do cover a wide range of tech areas, you may be able to help KJR and provide solutions to clients.

Julio Pimentel

– Consultant

Julio joined KJR on the back of his WIL placement in data science at our sister company Datarwe from which he got a deep understanding of the data quality and AI assurance work we complete in partnership, for projects in the medical/health industries. 


To his surprise Julio also learnt more about data science than he had first anticipated which enlightened how important his work as an AI-ML tester is for providing real-world solutions to real-world problems. He had also brought experience building small scale machine learning models which has helped him navigate the NLP models he developed in the cloud with KJR. 


In addition to up-skilling himself in AI-ML and Natural Language Processing Julio has assisted on numerous testing projects for major clients and is focusing on developing his soft skills through liaising with important client groups. 

Julio has worked extremely hard during his short time with KJR and is has positioned himself well to become a well-rounded, capable consultant. 

What projects have you worked on so far?

Microbiology Reports and Deidentification projects at Datarwe. 

What skills have you developed?

Improved my error analysis skills and better understood the models’ development process in real life.

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

I like when I start a project I don’t know how to solve yet. Therefore, I need to discuss with people and do some research by own.

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

I think my soft skills will improve because working with several projects make you interact with different people.

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

Have an open mind about learning different IT skills because they could be exciting and you may like them. 

Tim Moloney

– Consultant

Tim joined KJR as a graduate in 2022 and has hit the ground running on various projects boasting technological innovation and community opportunity. He has pushed past the boundaries of purely technical and has shown keen interest in learning about IT and business processes which has helped him understand wider strategy and matured his consultancy skills exponentially. 


Helping to lead a handful of groundbreaking technological projects, not only in what they are achieving through artificial intelligence and machine learning but for the benefit of various communities across Queensland, Tim is expanding his skills in computer science to solve real-world community challenges for Indigenous peoples. He is currently mentoring year 11 and 12 students on the Gold Coast in data science and management as part of KJR’s Indigenous traineeship as well as capturing rock art data in far north Queensland to help West Yalanji peoples preserve their culture using aiml powered applications. This has allowed Tim to expand his technical skillset while also developing his knowledge across business charters such as Corporate Social Responsibility. 


Tim has worked closely with KJR Founder Dr Kelvin Ross and CTO Dr Mark Pedersen on these projects and has learnt skills in resource management, partner liaising and computer science under their guidance. Above all Tim’s work at KJR has opened his eyes to the real impact technology, and the people behind it, can have on the world in a positive way.  


He has shown great initiative within the Collective and has proven himself a valued member of the KJR team. He is very steadily maturing into a competent IT consultant who will undoubtedly achieve great feats- and we can’t wait to celebrate his wins alongside him. 


What projects have you worked on so far?

So far, I have been working mainly on an innovation project focused around using AI and Machine learning on geospatial information data and drone footage. The goal of the project is to locate and capture previously lost Aboriginal rock art sites in Far North Queensland. 

What skills have you developed?

During my studies I focused on information systems and design, so most of the things I have been learning are more computer science focused. This has been an interesting challenge for me but its always good to diversify skills. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with and pilot drones a fair bit, which is very exciting. 

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

The project I’m working on is not only exciting but also groundbreaking in what it is trying to achieve. My favourite thing about working for KJR is being able to have an impact on that project and being part of the team that is going to ensure its successful completion. 

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

In the future I see KJR continuing to provide lots of exciting opportunities for growth and development of my skills. 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

We do lots of engagements with different university tech societies, so you should come to those, talk to us so we can find out who you are! Even if you can’t make it to those keep an eye on LinkedIn for job opportunities and apply. KJR has lots of benefits that other graduate opportunities don’t have. 

Morgan Nierfeld

– Consultant

Morgan joined KJR in 2022 after graduating from his Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the University of Queensland. He instantaneously got to work on various projects in data quality and management, eagerly applying the knowledge he gained in university while demonstrating a key willingness to develop his skills further. 


Bringing a strong technical background Morgan joined the Collective with a solid foundation for continued growth but it is his openness and tenacity which has seen him launch a promising career as a competent and confident tech consultant. In his first four months he has assisted KJR’s sister company Datarwe with ensuring quality management of their medical data. On this project he was able to work alongside doctors and clinicians for the implementation of a validation framework to assess data that comes in from various hospitals. 


Amongst strengthening his SQL knowledge, Morgan has taken initiative in expanding his skillset by working closely with data scientists and senior consultants who have helped him understand the project life cycle as well as the importance of his work in real-world application. 


He has shown great involvement within the collective and a great determination for growth. Morgan is well and truly placed to reach new heights and we can’t wait to see how he grows with KJR.

What projects have you worked on so far?

I’ve worked on bucketing patients’ fluids into hourly buckets. This required working closely with real world doctors to identify fluids within patient data. I’ve also worked on creating a validation framework to assess new hospital data that comes in from new hospitals. 

What skills have you developed?

I’ve developed my SQL knowledge and learnt that it can be used for so much more than just as a querying language. 

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

I enjoy the people and collective culture at KJR. Everyone is easy to approach and ask questions for help, especially as a junior consultant. 

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

I see myself continuing with KJR and working on new projects to improve my software skills. 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

My best advice for any tech graduates that would be considering a grad or intern role would be that it’s best to start out in an internship if possible during your final year of study and never be afraid to reach out to any of the leadership within the company and ask about potential internships. Aside from that, graduate roles are still a great way to get your foot in the door and you should definitely apply for them when they pop up. 

Will Lutz

– Consultant

Will joined KJR’s Queensland collective after impressing his way through a WIL placement at our sister company Datarwe in 2021. Though he has only been at KJR for a few months Will has demonstrated great tenacity when assisting on various projects for government and medical clients, steadily maturing into a comprehensive tech consultant. 


Drawing upon the skills he gained from managing large datasets as part of his Bachelor in Physics and Computer Science degree at Queensland University, Will has hit the ground running on a project utilising artificial intelligence and machine learning implementation for precision medicine. He continues to learn from the data scientists at Datarwe from which he has gotten a deeper understanding of the real-world importance of his work, as well as from KJR founder Dr Kelvin Ross and CTO Dr Mark Pedersen on his craft as a technical consultant. 


He has continued to build his skillset improving his knowledge in AWS and volubility in a list of neural networks. In addition to the technical, Will has refined his project management skills, committing his time to understanding the project lifecycle and how to navigate conversations with important project stakeholders. 


He has shown a willingness to help and mentor others within the Collective and has proved himself a valued member of the KJR team. Will is very steadily maturing into a competent IT consultant who will undoubtedly achieve great feats- and we can’t wait to celebrate alongside him. 


Will is focused on developing his technical toolset and looks forward to growing his consultancy soft skills with the help of the wider KJR Collective. 

What projects have you worked on so far?

The project I have been working during my time with KJR and Datarwe is focussed on developing custom-trained neural networks to aid in providing continuous quality patient care since the quantity of work expected to be undertaken by medical staff members can make this very difficult, especially given the current climate. By integrating a well-designed automation system targeted at time-consuming, but basic procedures – such as documentation and patient monitoring – we would allow staff more time to focus on patient care and other critical/value-adding tasks. This project has involved building up and training a collection of models to perform the necessary object detection, image segmentation and classification tasks required by the proposition and deploy them to the edge. 

What skills have you developed?

So far, I have developed familiarity with industry toolsets such as AWS and improved my fluency in YOLOv5, detectronv2 and EfficientNetv2 neural networks. In tandem to this specific knowledge, I have improved my abilities in general fields such as communicating progress and updates for a project, self- managing my goals and aims for progress markers and analysing different solutions to problems to maximise ease-of-use, functionality and performance to select the best option for the task. 

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

My favourite parts would have to be the broad range of work and the people around you, it’s great to be able to turn to someone around you and ask for their experience on a difficult problem especially if they’ve been where you are and have already forged a path through. The wide scope of the work done means that you can find a spot that you feel most comfortable or work to actively expand your knowledge and understanding into new fields with new possibilities. 

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

I see a great future for myself as part of KJR with a great many things to learn and many more things to apply myself to. The emphasis placed on professional growth lends to the rapid and comprehensive development of skills in many fields of work, but also the development of soft skills for connecting this technical knowledge you develop to the people around you. . 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

Go for it! The role is great for expanding your knowledge of the industry and providing you with opportunities for professional growth with new and growing projects. Besides that, you couldn’t ask for a more supportive and helpful team behind you. Always ready to chat if you need more direction with a task or someone to bounce ideas off, everyone is incredibly knowledgeable in their chosen field and are always open to sharing that knowledge with you.

Conrad Apostol

– Consultant

Conrad expressed interest in a career with KJR after learning of our strong roots in testing and our developing capabilities across the Automation, DevOps, and Cybersecurity spaces. Upon completing a short course in cybersecurity, he joined our collective as an intern with hopes of forging a clear direction for his career. Within a month he found such direction as a QA analyst on a testing project for a major retail client of KJR.


Despite his background in application support handling leading propriety ERP systems and implementing functionalities in production environments, Conrad leaped at the opportunity to work in the manual testing space. He has dedicated his time and efforts into learning all he can about testing and is enthusiastic about establishing a career in Quality Assurance. 


He has shown great involvement within the collective and a great determination for growth. Conrad isn’t afraid to ask questions or for advice from our experienced consultants, as well as the VIC GM Anil Kumar, which has allowed him to mature into a confident test consultant and IT professional.


Conrad is working towards developing a strong foundation in testing but beyond this is interested in building into the Automation and DevOps spaces.

What projects have you worked on so far?

I started out shadowing an automation project for a large government client but I have now been deployed as a QA analyst on a project for a high-end entertainment, hotels+ casino. In this role I am responsible for testing aspects like discovery, writing test cases, execution, and raising bugs which gives me an end-to-end perspective of how testing is involved in the SDLC. 

What skills have you developed?

I am currently learning C#, as well as automation and testing frameworks, which were required of my automation project, and am eager to start applying them. I have also developed some of the skills I already had in project coordination. As a tester I have become better at understanding business processes, as well as writing and executing test cases. This has helped me to better identify and raise issues to improve the delivery of developments. 

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

The Collective. KJR has elevated my expectations in that I am gaining valuable experience through a steady workload while truly enjoying it. I appreciate having the support of my mentors and colleagues who make me feel at ease when I am at work but also have lots of fun. I always look forward to office day just to spend time with the collective and to bond over great lunches. 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

KJR is a great starting point for anyone looking to begin their career. The culture is supportive and encourages technical development as well as personal growth. Not to mention the collective are a fun and friendly bunch. My advice is to be yourself, be open to whatever comes your way, and to keep learning. 

SeungHyun Roh

– Consultant

SeungHyun commenced as an Intern with KJR in 2020 and seized every opportunity that came his way to learn and develop his skills across several service areas. He has demonstrated great determination and initiative while working across a number of projects and trained in AWS S3, Dynamodb and Lambda software, as well as Python.  

Apart from technical skills, SeungHyun has committed time and effort to understand the project lifecycle and modes of communication with important stakeholders. He has worked closely with ACT/NSW GM Andrew Hammond and KJR Founder Kelvin Ross on projects that utlilise artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to power real-world solutions. Including Fatigue M8 project that utilises AI-ML to train a smart steering wheel to detect changes in truck driver fatigue for improved safety on the roads, as well as on a health resourcing dashboard with KJR’s affiliate company Datarwe. 

Before entering the tech world SeungHyun served as a Sergeant in the Republic of Korea Army. His attention to detail has provided great value to his work at KJR and as much he has learned about the Australian working culture from us, we have learned from him. 

SeungHyun hopes to continue gaining experience in cloud computing and specialise in database system analysis in the future.  

What projects have you worked on so far?

I have worked on a project called Fatigue M8 which utilises AI-ML technologies to monitor the health and fatigue of truck drivers. I also worked on a project with KJR’s affiliate company Datarwe, that powered AI-ML application into acute care to create a health resourcing dashboard. Right now, I am working on a project for a private education body that involves CS NSW performance testing.

What skills have you developed?

As a Programmer, I have developed my data visualisation and cloud computing skills. As a Junior Consultant, I have developed my understanding of the project lifecycle as well as how to communicate with clients, managers, and colleagues.

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

My favourite part about working for KJR is how closely I can work with my General Manager. I know I can ask him questions directly and he is happy to help and mentor me. KJR has a nice working culture and nice people to work with. 

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

It is a great opportunity to start your learning and to become certified. Getting a certification is beneficial and you will learn a lot from studying a certification with the support of KJR. It is a great way you can prove yourself and your capability to apply your skills to a number of projects.

Minju Kang

– Consultant

Minju Kang started her journey with KJR at the start of 2021 and has brought tenacity, determination and a willingness to learn in every project she has worked on. Although her background was in developing website and mobile applications, Minju applied herself with enthusiasm and has started to develop her skills as a maturing IT professional across a number of service areas. 


Not long into her Graduate role with KJR, Minju was given the opportunity to up-skill in VDML and was flown to the Gold Coast to assist with training an AI-ML model at our sister company, Datarwe. She was closely mentored by KJR CTO, and Datarwe QA Officer, Mark Pedersen as well as KJR Founder and Datarwe CTO Kelvin Ross, in the process of training a model that would detect the topics of articles, based on key words indicated in the articles text. Minju also worked alongside Datarwe’s Senior Data Scientists from which she got a deeper understanding of the project life-cycle and how important her work as an AI-ML tester is for providing real-world solutions to real-world problems.


Minju is now back at the ACT Collective where she is working on front-end development for web applications using AWS and React. At KJR Minju hopes to grow her skills in software development and software engineering.

What projects have you worked on so far?

I’ve been engaged in two projects so far. One of them was frontend development for a web application using AWS services and React. This project is for truck drivers to track their fatigue while they are driving so they can lower their risk of crashing. The second one was an NLP project where we trained a language model to predict topics of a given text. I worked on analysing and training a various language model to improve the accuracy using python.

What skills have you developed?

I’ve gained a lot of knowledge in cloud computing utilising AWS services. As an AWS partner, KJR supports us to have experience with them and provides us with opportunities to improve our skills. I’ve had hands-on experience with AWS platforms in projects, and recently qualified as a Cloud Practitioner. I am now studying to get my AWS Certified Developer- Associate Certification.

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

People care about your work-life balance and your professional growth. I’ve been learning a lot from working with amazing and experienced people in the team.

What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering starting their careers with KJR?

As a consultant, there would be things that you have to learn on the fly. I had no experience in Natural Language Processing when I joined KJR, but I’ve put lots of effort into understanding it, and we have successfully delivered the outcome every time. It is challenging but always a rewarding experience. Joining KJR, you might face new challenges but don’t be afraid to explore them and take it as your opportunity to grow your skills. Also, be proactive to learn and chat to other people for help when you get stuck because they will be more than happy to help you. 

Dhanraj Jayendra

– Consultant

DJ began his internship with KJR in May 2021 seizing every opportunity that has come his way to nurture a promising career as an IT consultant. One of the first projects DJ assisted was a major testing project for a valued KJR client which offered him a strong foundation of knowledge and experience. He has since taken these skills and applied them to his subsequent engagements which include BAU, automation, performance and UAT testing projects for several major retail and government clients.


Despite having prior experience in testing, consultancy was new for DJ. His drive to grow and succeed has resulted in great development of his soft skills that have equally been acknowledged from internal and external stakeholders. Optimally positioning him to become a well-rounded IT professional and tech consultant.


He has shown great initiative within the Collective and isn’t afraid to ask for mentorship from VIC GM Anil Kumar, Senior Consultant Xian Wang and the wider team. Which has contributed to his journey of growth with KJR.


DJ is focused on developing his technical and communication skills through exposing himself to different projects and sectors. With his determination and dedication to his work here at KJR, the sky is the limit!


What projects have you worked on so far?

In the last six months I have been a part of several big test automation, performance testing, BAU and bounty projects for major clients


What skills have you developed?

Technically I have expanded my skills by working on web development, UAT testing, Performance testing, C# coding and automation.

What’s your favourite part about working for KJR?

The major clients and diversity of projects which KJR holds is my favourite part. When we look for jobs we always look to grow ourselves technically, but along with technical skills you will grow yourself with KJR. A keen to learn and grow as a team mind-set is what KJR operates under which is the best and is why I like being a part of KJR.

How do you see your future shaping up with the experience you’ve gained at KJR?

I am growing myself technically by working with major clients and covering different work sectors. I am pretty confident with the skills and culture with which I am shaping my career. I am getting exposure to and facing all sort of challenges and pushing myself out of my comfort zone which will surely help in reaching greater heights in my career.


What advice would you give other tech graduates starting out who may be considering taking on a grad/intern role with KJR?

If you are looking for technical skills and projects which gives you career growth and highlight you in the market then I believe KJR is the best place to experience those desirables.

Lydon Cawood


Lyndon is a seasoned finance professional who has been dedicated to KJR for ten years and counting. His integral strength is his way of managing monetary growth and people with equal insight. It’s an approach that’s guided by the philosophy that if you ‘give them the right information, they’ll always make the right decision in the end’. And for this information to be deemed ‘right’, it needs to be gathered using airtight processes (which is where his degree in computing comes in handy). 


Lyndon’s track record facilitating stable growth has seen him sought-after in the food, music, retail, and nightclub industries. But he’s stuck with KJR because he hates seeing people waste time replicating inefficiency. And his team share his belief in the integrity that comes with frank advice and exacting standards. Aside from the satisfaction gleaned from believing in what you do, working with KJR gives him a chance to indulge in conversations about the latest gadgetry and tech news on a daily basis. It also means he’s free to replicate his exacting standards in footy tipping.