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The Collective

KJR Collective Catch Ups: Lisa Quilter

The Collective

A couple of times a month, we like to get to know members of the KJR Collective a little better. Today we catch up with Lisa Quilter.

Years in the industry: Let’s do some math…1993 until 2002 + almost 4 years at KJR takes us up to now. Equals 13 years!

Started at KJR: April 2016

Based in: Canberra

Currently working with: Department of Defence and Department of Health

What Lisa loves most about her job…

In Lisa’s case it’s the flexibility and variety of working with more than once client at a time – not all consultants are lucky enough to get that opportunity. Right now, she’s engrossed in two federal departments and loving it. More specifically when it comes to her role, “you never really know what the day is going to bring as generally nothing ever goes to plan” – at no fault of KJR, of course – it’s simply the nature of testing and assurance. Lisa also appreciates the people her industry (and KJR) attracts; “we’re all so different and that’s ok because there’s always a place for us to fit in.”

How Lisa got into this industry…

After starting a computing degree, Lisa “didn’t really like it”, so she “drifted into admin.” On one seemingly uneventful day, she was asked to test “a little program”. What followed was a profound enjoyment of the process from Lisa. From there the testing just kept coming across her desk. So much so, she eventually decided the time was right to proclaim, “I’m a tester,” and the jobs flowed from there.

What Lisa thinks about the future of tech…

Breaking news – not all people who work in tech live and breathe tech. That’s Lisa. You won’t necessarily find her seeking out the latest gadgets and innovations, she doesn’t spend her down time experimenting with technology, she just rolls with what’s in front of her. A self-described “generalist”, Lisa “looks forward to what ever is around the corner” and will just “deal with it, play with it and have fun.”

She also does other things…

You can find Lisa almost every weekend “rock hopping, scrambling and bush-bashing”. As a member of a bushwalking group, trails and companions are never hard to find. The KJR Collective have experienced Lisa’s love of walking first hand as she wipes the floor with almost everybody in the regular step counting challenges. It doesn’t leave a lot of time for other things though, so she’s recently incorporated camping into her weekend bush adventures.

Lisa’s final word of advice…

“I feel with KJR I’ve been lucky – I can be myself and do things the way I want to do it. Be yourself and enjoy what you’re doing!”