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The Collective

KJR Collective Catch Ups: Tracey Rawlinson

The Collective

A couple of times a month, we like to get to know members of the KJR Collective a little better. Today we catch up with Tracey Rawlinson.

Years in the industry: Around 30

Started at KJR: In February 2016

Based in: Canberra

Currently working with: A client in the Department of Health currently, focusing on a project with the Age Care Gateway (ACG) among other responsibilities.

What Tracey loves most about her job…

Tracey enjoys her surroundings at KJR. This includes the diversity of both the KJR Collective as well as the clients she works with. The way so many companies are starting to utilise cybersecurity and DevOps practices allows Tracey to “nurture and support growing businesses”, some of which might be new to the cybersphere. Tracey isn’t a “techy” person – however, she has years of experience working with various testing methodologies and project frameworks. Her main duties focus on project planning, management and administrative work – providing her many opportunities to collaborate inclusively with members of the Collective with divergent skillsets. She’s always exploring and learning about new technology on the job, employing her interpersonal skills to “cooperate with the engineers to produce a great outcome”. Along with the variety, Tracey enjoys the “casual work environment” offered by the Canberra team, where she enjoys meetings with lunch and coffee at cafes.

“You can be lots of things at KJR and you can really showcase your skillset, which I think is fantastic. I’d recommend it to anybody, really.”

How Tracey got into this industry…

“When I began working, we had electric typewriters”. Having worked in the public service for many years, Tracey has watched and observed as the technology surrounding her has grown and developed. From gradually being asked to check different algorithms on the developing computer systems to ensuring calculations were correct, Tracey was “osmosis’d” into the technology industry.

As for how Tracey started at KJR, she had been working with our own principal consultant, Maree Christenson, through different organisations and clients over the years. The two became colleagues and friends, working with each other initially at Y2K and later through a variety of short-term contracts. Maree sooner or later suggested KJR for Tracey to work. What started as a short-term contract while on holiday, eventually developed into a full-time position.

What Tracey thinks about the future of tech…

Being a member of the KJR Collective has opened Tracey’s eyes to the bigger picture of technology. She doesn’t count herself a technologically savvy person, but she’s developed an understanding of the importance of aspects like automation, which can be utilised across different processes to achieve success more conveniently.

Despite this, it’s important that workers “know what they’re automating”. The way technology is evolving might seem like it’s heading in the direction of self-sufficiency, but Tracey recognises the need for workers to be educated and involved in technological processes to achieve accurate outcomes. Organisations still need people to commit to work and plan in person and “those heroes” are still equally important, especially among the “younger generation of tech-heads”.

She also does other things…

On the flipside of lending her skills to KJR, Tracey is a venturesome traveller who enjoys planning a five or six-week holiday around every two years. One trip took her to Canada and Alaska, where she witnessed an iceberg break off a cliff and fall into the ocean, rocking the ship she was on. “It’s not that high on the bucket list, but you’re absolutely awestruck when it happens”. Her curious nature and love for travelling runs in the family, with her daughter currently working in Canada. Tracey plans to meet up with her next year on a trip to America, where they’ll venture to a few different areas of the States and Mexico before returning home.

Tracey has also been volunteering in the Lake George District in the Lake George Support Brigade (formally Operations Support Group) in NSW for nearly 20 years. “It’s a huge part of who I am, and KJR supports that volunteer space” – Tracey has held various positions such as Captain, Deputy Captain & President and has worked locally and away during her time.  Whether communicating with other Volunteers, helicopter pilots or within an IMT her skills have only further evolved through her experiences. She is now transitioning to a community engagement role, where she’ll be able to contribute to developing community resilience by assisting them to take responsibility for fire preparedness, prevention and actions during any fire activity.

Tracey’s final word of advice…

“Put your hand up and put your name in – if you’re a fun person who knows when to get down to business, you’ll go far in your career.”

Connect with Tracey on LinkedIn.