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Article Podcasts

KJR and Indigenous Business Partners Discuss Technology’s Beneficial Contributions to Indigenous Communities

Article Podcasts
KJR featured in the AAUS Podcast

This podcast was recorded at the AAUS RPAS in Australian Skies conference, an annual event hosted by the Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems (AAUS) that attracts key government officials, members of the regulatory and safety agencies, defence force and representatives from RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) and UTM (Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management) sectors. 

This episode features KJR team members Andrew Hammond and Aaron Bell, along with our esteemed Indigenous business partners, Johnny Murison, John Fejo, and Ki-shaun Fejo. The discussion begins with why KJR is embracing RPAS and exploring aerial technologies and how we integrate these technologies in various Indigenous-led initiatives. 

After the initial introductions, the conversation shifts to quite impactful topics shared by our Indigenous business partners. Johnny Murison, a Western Yalanji man from Jarramali Rock Art Tours, shares insights into the exploration of 30,000-year-old undiscovered art in Cape York. Meanwhile, John and Ki-shaun Fejo (Larrakia, and Larrakia & Mamu men respectively) discuss their work with the Goondoi School and Ranger programs, highlighting the significant impact these initiatives have on local Indigenous Communities. 

Podcast Crew (left to right): Ki-shaun Fejo, Andrew Hammond, John Fejo, Johnny Murison, Aaron Bell

Johnny Murison comments on his experience at the AAUS RPAS in Australian Skies conference show: 

Since there are 1.5 million drone flights/year and expected to increase by 4000% by 2043, we’d be mad not to be involved. Awesome to learn there is some good gear out there. Meeting the army dude who presented on drone usage in the Ukrainian-Russian war and Kieren Joyce, AAUS director and owner of Arkisus was a highlight for me. Can’t wait to have our own KJR/Jarramali on Country drone dock base servicing remote communities with solutions to their problems.

Drone technologies & Indigenous communities

In collaboration with Jarramali Cultural Tech Tours and Johnny Murison, KJR implemented Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies to map Rock Art sites effectively. This approach developed solutions that protect historical land sites while preserving Indigenous culture that needs to be passed on to future generations.  

KJR closely work with Salty Monkeys, a First Nations-owned business in the Torres Strait dedicated to cleaning beaches of plastic waste. Using drone mapping technology, big data, and AI, they utilise artificial intelligence to identify, categorise, and map the distribution and varieties of marine debris. The collected marine debris and plastic waste are then transformed into various items, including artistic instruments and fins. 

Shaping the future with KJR

As KJR continues to integrate cutting-edge technologies like RPAS and AI with the rich cultural landscapes of Australia’s Indigenous communities, we are reminded that innovation can serve as a bridge between the past and the future. The collaborations highlighted in the AAUS Podcast episode demonstrate not only the practical applications of these technologies but also the profound impact they can have on preserving cultural heritage and improving lives. Whether it is mapping ancient rock art or clearing beaches of plastic waste with drones and AI, each initiative we undertake is a step towards a more informed and respectful engagement with the land and its original custodians.  


KJR became a member of the Australian Association of Uncrewed Systems earlier this year. The AAUS is a nonprofit industry body that advocates for stakeholders in uncrewed systems across the air, land and sea domains as well as advanced air mobility. Our involvement in this influential association keeps us up-to-date on the latest industry trends, regulatory updates, and technological advancements. It provides us with an opportunity to share our knowledge, offer meaningful contributions, and engage in discussions that shape the future of the drone and urban air mobility industries in Australia.