Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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Digital vs. Basketball: DevOps

At KJR we love our sport almost as much as we love technology. With over 21 years of digital transformation projects under our belts and multiple lifetimes of witnessing the grit and grandeur of elite sports teams move towards ultimate success, we struck upon a theme. Or perhaps it was more the notion that when KJR teams deliver digital transformation projects to our clients, the driving factors of success are not too different to those of an elite sports team.


Digital vs. Basketball: Cybersecurity

At KJR we love our sport almost as much as we love technology. With over 21 years of digital transformation projects under our belts and multiple lifetimes of witnessing the grit and grandeur of elite sports teams move towards ultimate success, we struck upon a theme. Or perhaps it was more the notion that when KJR teams deliver digital transformation projects to our clients, the driving factors of success are not too different to those of an elite sports team.


Digital vs. Basketball: Advisory & Assurance

At KJR we love our sport almost as much as we love technology. With over 21 years of digital transformation projects under our belts and multiple lifetimes of witnessing the grit and grandeur of elite sports teams move towards ultimate success, we struck upon a theme. Or perhaps it was more the notion that when KJR teams deliver digital transformation projects to our clients, the driving factors of success are not too different to those of an elite sports team.

Innovation News The Collective

FatigueM8: a Smart Steering Wheel update

A true reflection of KJR’s values is when members of the Collective are empowered to explore and champion projects that may not be directly related to our paying clients. One such case is the result of a hackathon winning idea that has come to life over the last 12 months – a smart steering wheel designed to tackle the important issue of fatigue in the trucking industry.


E-democracy – are the lights on in Australia?

Democracy has always been a given in Australia. Even if lately we’ve developed a penchant for changing leaders more often than we change our toothbrush, generally we have never felt that our democracy has been challenged or threatened or that it would be in the future. However, this is not the case around the world, and it doesn’t mean that our democratic and governmental processes can’t be improved by technology.