Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


The Rising Relevance of Digital Consulting and Testing-As-A-Service.

Our 21st century is defined by increasing interconnectedness, observable by a variety of world-shifting phenomena that have since changed how businesses approach product, internal structure, and their dynamics with their audience base.

The emergence of internet technologies has given rise to a world where digital spaces coexist with the physical. Sociologically speaking, these new tools in business practice have inadvertently given rise to a world where digital spaces change how we define healthy, functioning companies.

Events News

CCIQ Rallies QLD Businesses to Lead a Sustainable Business Agenda

This week KJR joined Business Chamber Queensland (formerly CCIQ) and various Queensland based businesses for their Business Matters event in Brisbane which focused on leading the sustainable business agenda for Queensland.

The conversation about sustainable innovation in the journey to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics was insightful and exciting as we join the efforts of developing a sustainable Queensland business legacy.


Women & diversity in tech: Cracking the code of representation.

The technology industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with new innovations and breakthroughs being introduced at an unprecedented rate. However, one major problem that has plagued the industry is its lack of diversity, particularly when it comes to women. Women make up just a small percentage of the tech workforce, and this has serious implications not only for the industry itself but for society. 


5 IT Risk Management Benefits

IT risk management or information security risk management, involves implementing policies, methods, and technologies to manage and reduce IT threats.

If your business uses IT, you need a risk management plan. Firstly, it is vital to identify threats to then minimise those risks, and develop a clear plan in response to an IT setback. Secondly, identifying the risks allows you to acquire more security and prevent IT breaches.